Tame the tail with analytics and long-tail sourcing.

Now address the tail which makes up 80% of your suppliers.

Tail Spend & Requisition Analytics

Opportunities & Target Savings

Long Tail Sourcing

100% Visibility into your spend.

Procurement organizations only have visibility of their strategic spend. Our solution cleans, categorizes and analyzes up to 100% of your spend including tail spend.

100% Spend Visibility

Complete visibility and AI enabled categorization of your tail spend data.

Supplier Visibility

Gain Visibility of all your vendors including 80% suppliers in the tail.

Pull data from multiple systems and p-cards.

Draw tail spend data from multiple systems including ERPs, T&E systems, P-cards and more. Turn incomplete data points into insights with our AI algorithm.

Discover insights with enriched tail spend data.

Get full visibility into your tail spend. View spend by value, category, vendors, business unit, parent-child and more for valuable insights.

Optimize your hidden tail.

The classic pareto rule of 80-20 does not always apply. We have observed tail extend upto 30%. We help you identify and draw value from this hidden tail.

P-card analytics for greater control.

Our custom algorithm cleanses and categorizes data coming in from different p-card systems and banks. We also help you mitigate risk by building P-card policy & governance programs for enhanced compliance.

Visibility & Tracking

Full visibility with Level 3 categorization and analytics.

Easy Consolidation

Consolidate data from multiple p-card systems into one.

Requisition analytics to shorten your tail.

Analyze requisition patterns and buying behavior of internal stakeholders to build a robust tail sourcing strategy.

Analyze and take Action on your Tail Spend

Streamline and create an efficient procurement system with data at your fingertips.

Tail Spend analytics for one of the largest Social Media Platforms.

Proacure worked with a Top 3 Global Social Media platform, headquartered in the Bay Area, to help them with tail spend analytics and visibility.

With full visibility of tail spend and opportunity assessment, we helped identify $4M+ in savings across major indirect categories.

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Achieve 5-15% savings on your tail.

Achieve 5-15% Tail Spend Savings by aggregating demand, consolidating with existing contracts including roll up of parent-child, buying from preferred suppliers and more.

Increased compliance and control.

Identify Maverick spend and reduce savings leakage. with compliance insights. Ensure that contracts are utilized and prevent purchasing through non-contracted rates.

Shorten tail and rationalize suppliers.

Stop the proliferation of the large number of suppliers in the tail spend. Consolidate and bundle across categories and Reduce the number of dormant and new suppliers and achieve SKU rationalization.

Reduce tail by 40-50%

Contract Bundling and demand consolidation across tail spend.

Use Preferred Suppliers

Move spending to preferred suppliers from new and dormant ones.

Rationalize SKUs

Rationalize specifications and part numbers to reduce the number of SKUs.

P-card savings & compliance.

Complete visibility of p-card spend. Identify and decrease Maverick and non-compliant p-card purchases. Discover opportunities for savings through spend consolidation, rebates and more.

Evaluate and mitigate risk.

Quickly identify high risk suppliers and categories. We also help you with reassessment of suppliers through failure risk, credit rating etc. that might have changed, and enable you to increase spend with preferred suppliers.

Realize Tail Spend Savings, guaranteed!

You can now prevent maverick spend, reduce the tail spend suppliers by half and achieve savings of 5-15% to the bottom line.

Gain the Buy-in from stakeholders
to engage with procurement on indirect purchases?

Streamline and create an efficient procurement system with data at your fingertips.

Segment and tackle your tail spend.

Implement opportunities and insights discovered to realize savings and compliance. We help you end-to-end with long tail sourcing.

Enhanced Catalog management.

Identify and implement catalog creation opportunities for items that are ordered frequently and requested by multiple requestors.

Marketplace and more.

Set up marketplace to enable greater savings and compliance for certain items and sub-categories. Integrate Amazon marketplace or others seamlessly.

P-card purchases and policy.

Identify low-risk categories for p-card purchasing. Strengthen or build new p-card policies or programs to enable greater compliance and savings.

Automated Spot Buy.

Automated purchasing of low dollar items at competitive rates, from trusted suppliers and integrated compliance.

Simplify One-off Purchases

Spot-buy desk with trusted suppliers and prices across categories.

Great User Experience

Improved buyer purchasing experience with enhanced savings.

$ saved with smarter long-tail sourcing.

We empower you with an efficient Long Tail Sourcing for a happy stakeholder experience and enhanced savings to the bottom line.

Partner with Strategic Suppliers and
expand Supplier Collaboration & Innovation

Streamline and create an efficient procurement system with data at your fingertips.

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